5-5-5 Fat Burning Circuit

5-5-5 Fat Burning Circuit

Summer is a busy time for a lot of people. More travel, kids are at home. When time gets tight, workouts can be the first thing to go. Next time you are tight on time, give this circuit a try:  555 Circuit   For the lower body circuit, you can use a kettlebell or a...
Coolio is making me desperate!

Coolio is making me desperate!

Testing my mental toughness. Trying to rack my brain for blog content while my wife blasts Coolio. She knows I love Coolio and I can’t focus! She’s getting pumped for the I Love the 90s concert, so I don’t blame her. My desperation to come up with something for you,...
4 Exercises you can do with furniture sliders

4 Exercises you can do with furniture sliders

  Furniture sliders are a fun and inexpensive way to switch up your workout. You can also use paper plates or socks on hardwood floors if you are a risk taker. Below is a circuit you can try that will get your heart rate up, hit muscles all over your body, and is a...
I didn't listen to my own advice and I paid for it

I didn't listen to my own advice and I paid for it

On Monday I talked about using the CRAP acronym to avoid eating things that might hurt your chances of losing weight. I feel like a bit of an expert because I ate most of the things on that list this past weekend. My son had a basketball tournament is Winchester,...
I won! What I learned along the way

I won! What I learned along the way

In January I decided to start taking jiu-jitsu as a hobby. I quickly discovered that it was not really something you do as a hobby. Unless you enjoy someone trying to choke you in your leisure time. After a few weeks of regular classes I decided that I was going to...