The people who impress me have one thing in common

The people who impress me have one thing in common

The other day I saw a video of a 75 year old man squatting well over 400 pounds with perfect form. Then I went to jiu-jitsu class and saw a guy in his 50s roughing up a guy in his 20s. And then I saw a video of a 60 year old woman doing a head spin.   I took this as a...
Who's your Belgian draft horse?

Who's your Belgian draft horse?

I was listening to the audio version of Dave Ramsey’s book Entreleadership last week and it was talking about how strong Belgian draft horses are. Have you ever seen them? They are massive! By themselves, a Belgian draft horse can pull about 8,000 pounds. If you put...
Creating the perfect meal

Creating the perfect meal

  We are all creatures of habit. One of the habits I find myself falling into a lot is eating the same meals over and over. They are healthy (most of the time) and taste good (most of the time), but we need variety in our lives. It's just so easy to keep making you...
With this, anything is possible

With this, anything is possible

Like most people, I have gone through pretty dark times in my life. Times where just getting out of bed felt like a huge chore. Days where you ask yourself if you can even go on. Then it happens. You get that one little glimmer of hope. A small sign that things will...
Huntsville Adventure Race

Huntsville Adventure Race

The world is in need of a race where more selfies are involved. That's right, somebody had to say it. That is where the HABC Adventure Race comes in.   If you are tired of regular 5ks, if your gym workouts are feeling stale, or if you are just ready for a new...