The Processed Plan

The Processed Plan

Had one of those days yesterday. We had been out of town all weekend, got back in town, had a meeting at church, and then went straight to a football coaches’ meeting. A lot of running around and not much meal planning. We ended up eating a broccoli and cheese...
Train your brain (game)

Train your brain (game)

I spent 3 days at a fitness conference in Louisville, Kentucky last weekend. So awesome to be around people who are so passionate about what they do and want to share their knowledge. One of the most impressive speakers was a sports psychologist named Dr. Haley...
Workout like an Olympian

Workout like an Olympian

  The 2016 Summer Olympics start today! You can check out what days your favorite events will be on here --->Olympic schedule Since I am such a big fan of the Summer Games, I came up with an Olympic theme workout for you to do around the house or at the gym.   Javelin...
10 2-letter words for success

10 2-letter words for success

  There are many ways that can lead to success in the fitness world. I have seen people get tremendous results with boot camp, Crossfit, lifting weighs, Zumba, running, and many other ways of moving your body. They all had the same thing in common though. The person...
Just. Get. Started.

Just. Get. Started.

  I am a bachelor this week. Just our dog Benny and I holding things down. My wife is out of town for work and my son is hanging out with his grandma in Florida. Benny and I are just doing all sorts of manly stuff like napping and eating things. The only problem with...