How to get better at any exercise

How to get better at any exercise

For many of the women I train, pushups are their worst enemy. They are not shy about letting you know their dislike of them either. Just trust me on that one.   The main reason people don't like pushups is the same reason I don't like fixing things. I'm not very good...
How to eat 3.1 million fewer calories

How to eat 3.1 million fewer calories

Google is an amazing company in many ways. Don’t believe me? Go Google it. You know you’ve made it when your company name becomes a verb.   They have something called their People Operations team. At most places it is called an HR department. The mission of the People...
Go for a lifestyle change, rather than a weight loss plan

Go for a lifestyle change, rather than a weight loss plan

Something I preach about constantly is the importance of a lifestyle change, rather than just the “I need to lose X amount of pounds” goal. When all you are focused on is that number on the scale, you let a lot of things fall by the wayside.   Not every pound is...
Give up coffee?

Give up coffee?

About 6 weeks ago I decided to quit drinking coffee. I love coffee and I get up at 4am, so this was not a decision I came to lightly. I was not having any negative health problems or anything like that, it was more of a mental thing. I felt like the coffee drinking...
Dave Ramsey is all about systems and you should be too

Dave Ramsey is all about systems and you should be too

  It was my wife’s birthday last week, so I wanted to do something special for her. She is a HUGE Dave Ramsey fan, so I took her to see his live radio show in Nashville. I have a read a few of Dave Ramsey’s books and listened to his radio show a few times, but I am...