That time I got scabies in Ireland…

That time I got scabies in Ireland…

  When I was 21 years old I was living in Dublin, Ireland. The last two weeks before I was about to go home, my older brother Tony flew over and we traveled along the coast of Ireland.   We had some awesome adventures and saw some great sights. One place stands out in...
Adventure Hiking Classes are back by popular demand!

Adventure Hiking Classes are back by popular demand!

I've always wanted to do a back by popular demand announcement. So back by popular demand it is our:   Adventure Hiking Classes!   We did these awhile back and everyone had a blast.   The very first hike will be on Saturday, January 21st at 9am.   What to expect:...
Your best year yet by doing things you aren't qualified for

Your best year yet by doing things you aren't qualified for

Are you a planner? Do you have to have all your ducks in a row before you do anything?   I am married to one of those people. Thank goodness, because I am the exact opposite. Marriage is all about filling in each other’s gaps.   There is definitely a time to plan, get...
Before you make those resolutions…

Before you make those resolutions…

  It is almost time. The time of year when we MUST change everything in our lives in ONE day!   I love resolutions. I love goal setting. I really love writing down goals to accomplish, but what is going to make this year any different from last year? Momentum Let em...
Star Wars and Weight Loss

Star Wars and Weight Loss

I went to go see the new Star Wars movie yesterday. Spoiler alert- it’s really good, if you are into that sort of thing. Ties some parts of other movies together for you. While I was there I made a big mistake. I ordered a large popcorn and large drink. Not sure what...