A Gift From My Dad

A Gift From My Dad

This past weekend was awesome! Sunshine and 50-60s temperatures in February are ok by me.   My son and I were planning to go for a hike when I got a text from dad asking if he could come along too. Hiking was his passion years ago, but he had not been able to hike in...
Don't look ahead to the pain

Don't look ahead to the pain

In my last message I talked a little about how this week is when people really start to drop off in their resolutions. How things started off so good and ended so bad. You tried really hard for a few days and just could not get a year's worth of results in 10 days....
It's that time of year…

It's that time of year…

Did you know that now is when you see the most dramatic drop off in gym attendance every year? For whatever reason the third full week in February is when most resolutions are over. If you have given up on the goals you have set for yourself, it’s not too late! There...
Too Much Information (TMI)

Too Much Information (TMI)

There is a phenomenon called information blindness that is caused by too much information. When people are faces with too much information, they just shut down and will now act.   Think about a restaurant with an overwhelming menu. What do you do? I just choose...
Lady Gaga’s belly

Lady Gaga’s belly

Chances are you saw Lady Gaga’s halftime show at the Super Bowl. It was the second most viewed half time show ever with 117.5 million viewers. Katy Perry’s performance has the most views of all time (120.7 million) if you are curious. It was an amazing performance!...