The dangers of that peanut butter life

The dangers of that peanut butter life

Most of these posts I write are lessons I am trying to teach myself and I think others could benefit from. Today’s post is no different. I have two examples of how hidden calories can become a problem. The first one is one I did to myself, the second was one that I...
Cut The Bull Sit!

Cut The Bull Sit!

Are you sitting down? I have some news for you. Stand up! A recent study of older women (average age of 79) published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that people who are sedentary have shorter life spans and are more likely to have high blood pressure, a...
Are you making deposits or withdrawals?

Are you making deposits or withdrawals?

It is very easy to get caught up in the day to day grind of your life. Going to work, errands, social commitments, TV, etc... all take up time, energy, and focus. This leaves you with very little left in the tank to do something very important.   It is absolutely...
Self Delusion is good for you

Self Delusion is good for you

I was listening to author A.J. Jacobs talk about his creative process when he is writing. He is a really interesting guy and goes all in with his book projects. One of his books is his saga of trying to follow every rule in the Bible for a year and another one where...
Why you need to struggle

Why you need to struggle

I was reading an article about why Japanese children do so well in math compared to other countries. The reason was not what I thought it would be.   The kids do so well in math because their teachers allow them to struggle the longest with problems.   That sounds...