Lessons from a crepe myrtle (weird, but worth the read)

Lessons from a crepe myrtle (weird, but worth the read)

It's been a life long dream of mine to write a fitness post crepe myrtles. Today that dream comes true.   There is a crepe myrtle in my backyard that has been plaguing me. It looks awesome, but it drops its petals on my sidewalk, they stick to the bottom of my shoe,...
Is it possible to go 21 days without complaining?

Is it possible to go 21 days without complaining?

I was speaking to a group at a college a few years ago and I came to the potentially dangerous "Are there any questions?" part of the talk. I have had some blush inducing moments there, so I always get a little nervous.   But this time, it was not blush inducing. It...
Two Any Time Anywhere Workouts

Two Any Time Anywhere Workouts

On Monday I challenged you to get in 90 workouts in the time remaining in 2017. But we all know there are times where you get in a pinch and can’t get the workout in you want.   I wanted to give you 2 workouts you could use for those emergencies. These will all be 20...
The 90 Workout Challenge

The 90 Workout Challenge

  Happy Half A New Year! Can you believe we are halfway through 2017? I have to be honest, I’m a little bummed I’m not typing this from my flying car that steers itself.   But the beauty of today is that it can be the start of something great. Look back to what your...
How the sausage is made (weird motivation)

How the sausage is made (weird motivation)

If you want to become a vegetarian, I recommend you look into how sausage is made. You will probably become a vegetarian that day. Nobody wants to think about the "behind the scenes" type of stuff that goes into making something. I went through a sausage making...