Guaranteed fat loss? It's a Christmas miracle!

Guaranteed fat loss? It's a Christmas miracle!

It’s Friday. You know what I love to talk about on Fridays? Glycogen depletion. Glycogen is energy, in the form of carbohydrates, that is stored in our muscles and our liver. Studies show that when our body is low on glycogen, meaning the energy storage silos (muscles...
He ate her weights!

He ate her weights!

Strength training is the fountain of youth. You will build muscle, which will help you get rid of fat, which will make you more mobile, which will make you have better quality of life. Everything gets better when you get stronger. It can be weights, bands, bodyweight,...
Panty hose, Huntsville, Walmart, and Donkeys

Panty hose, Huntsville, Walmart, and Donkeys

I have seen a lot of people on social media and out in social settings saying terrible things about their bodies. Things that if someone said that to them, they would probably punch them in the face. So why would they say that about themselves? Why would you? I want...
The Magic Fat Loss Formula

The Magic Fat Loss Formula

On Wednesday I talked abut getting back to the basics. The basics are the building blocks for any successful program. The problem with the basics is that it is not sexy. You will never see the basics featured in People magazine on how an actress used them to get ready...
"My Back And Shoulders Hurt" Circuit

"My Back And Shoulders Hurt" Circuit

Seems like I hear more and more from clients and friends that they have stiff shoulders and backs. This is the time of year when that type of things becomes more common. Car trips for fall break and holidays, the stress of year end work, holiday stress, etc... When...