The "Whenever You Can" Workout

The "Whenever You Can" Workout

  I've recently taken on some things in my life that have really cut down on my available workout hours. I'm very lucky that I am able to drop off and pick my son up at school. Family time is not something, I'm willing to compromise on. Getting up earlier is not going...
Weird way to avoid emotional eating

Weird way to avoid emotional eating

  I was talking to a friend of mine named Mitzi awhile back and she shared something really interesting. Mitzi is a yoga instructor by trade, but is more like Yoda. Give you great insight she can. We share a client who does boot camp and yoga. Mitzi was talking to...
Huntsville Adventure Boot Camp Field Day

Huntsville Adventure Boot Camp Field Day

  If you want to experience a day of fun and fitness, we would love for you to come to the Huntsville Adventure Boot Camp Field Day. Remember how awesome Field Day was when you were in school? That's why we are bringing it back.   Here are the specifics:   What-...
The benefits of fat loss and how to win a free massage

The benefits of fat loss and how to win a free massage

  I was about to come up with a post about all the benefits of fat loss, then I came across an awesome picture. A picture is worth a 1000 words right? All of that by losing fat! Not just dropping pounds on a scale, but actually losing fat. Pretty cool.   So who wants...
3 Fat Burning Workouts That Take 15 minutes or Less

3 Fat Burning Workouts That Take 15 minutes or Less

Let's face it, some days you just don't have time to workout. I am a pretty busy guy, so I understand. There is the famous, "I am so busy I can barely breathe, but I will spend an hour watching TV" person. Or the "no way do I have time to workout, I have to update my...