Stephane jumping over fire at the Warrior Dash

I was recently on the news talking about New Year's Resolutions. When they were booking the interview, they asked if I could bring on an inspirational success story from my camp. A person that has inspired many people is my friend/client Stephane Stegen.

Stephane is a 1st grade teacher so you can imagine she has some stress in her life. She has also put on some weight over the years and finally decided to do something about it. The link below is her story in her own words.

Stephane's weight loss journey with Huntsville Adventure Boot Camp

Besides those awesome results, she also started running 5Ks. In fact her very first 5K was the Warrior Dash!

So if you have something holding you back, just remember Stephane's words.

"If I can do it, anyone can do it."

Make 2013 the year you finally do it.