
Well that made the choice easy...

Heard an interesting story from my pastor about plums versus pecans. I know it sounds like a riveting story, but just stay with me.

It was a story of a homesteader who had the choice to plant plum trees or pecan trees. Those were the only two trees that could really survive in that climate.

He was asked how one would decide which one to choose. The old homesteader said, “If you are growing the trees for yourself choose the plum tree. If you are planting for your children, choose the pecan tree.”

The plum tree was the quick fix. It would grow faster and produce fruit much faster, but then fizzle out. While the pecan was the opposite, it would take a very long time to get going but once it did you were set.

In my world, the plum tree is those quick fix diets you see all the time. “Lose 30 pounds in 30 days” or “Lose 10 pounds in one week” types of diets. You get short-term success, but very rarely does it lead to lasting success.

While the pecan tree is a lifestyle change. This is where you slowly establish one healthy habit at a time, keep at it consistently, and then one day it all falls into place. It is not easy, you do not get that immediate gratification that we are all programmed to expect these days, and it is HARD.

But it is the right path to take. How many times have you lost what feels like the same exact 20 pounds only to gain it back? Instead of focusing on short-term weight loss goals, think about the big picture. Don’t be in such a rush, you have a life time!

When you are thinking short term, one slip feels like disaster! When you are planning for the long run, it is just a small bump along the way. Establish those short term goals, plan them in conjunction with your big picture, and don’t give into the short term temptation.

Plus pecans are delicious, always go pecan.