Any fans of 80s movies out there? Short Circuit is a class! And that is our focus today. Some quick workouts you can do around the holidays when your time might be a little tighter than normal.
Squat and press countdown
Grab some dumbbells and head outside! Do 10 shoulder presses, run/jog/walk 20 yards, do 10 squats with the weights. Head back to where you started do 9 shoulder presses, travel, and then do 9 squats. Keep this up until you get all the way down to 1 of each.
Four Corner Cardio
Set up 4 markers (cones, weights, well behaved children, etc...) in a square. Do each exercise for 40 seconds and then you will have 20 seconds to travel to the next cones and get ready for the next exercise. You will do 3 rounds of this circuit for a total of 12 minutes of exercise.
Here are the exercises:
1. Jumping jacks
2. Skaters
3. High knees
4. 2 high punches/2 low punches
Make it more challenging by creating a larger square or easier with a smaller square. If space is an issue, you can always use the 4 corners of an exercise mat.
Each set will have 3 exercises back to back to back, 20 seconds each with no rest. Repeat each set twice, resting 30 seconds in between sets.
1. Pushups/chest press/tricep extensions
2. Squats/pulsing squats/squat hold
3. Bent over rows/pistons/bicep curls
4. Lunges/split squats/lunge hold (do right leg for all exercises, rest, then left leg)
Finish off with one set of 30 seconds walking, 20 seconds jogging, and a 10 second sprint. Or walk slow, walker medium, and walk as fast as you can for low impact.
All of these can be modified or amplified based on your fitness level. Adding weight, time, and distance can make it harder. Decreasing those variables makes it easier. Just get out and move during the holidays! Your mind, body, and should will benefit from it.
PS- if you would like to come exercise for a good cause, I am hosting a charity boot camp at Weatherly Elementary School at 1307 Cannstatt Drive tomorrow (Thanksgiving) from 9-10am. It is open to women, men, and children of all ages and fitness levels. I am collecting donations for Manna House. Non-perishable food items, toiletries, diapers, monetary donations. Whatever you can spare would be awesome, hope to see you there!