This is an excellent video that can applied to so many areas in your life. It is about Vietnam veteran Richard Pimentel's life lessons he learned from his grandmother and from other leaders in his life.
The main one I want you to focus on is the definition of responsibility he uses. Watch the video (or read the transcript) at the link below:
Pretty awesome guy right there. Let's focus on his definition of responsibility. It is a combo of response and ability.Look at your ability and then decide what your response is going to be.
Apply that to helping you reach your goals. What is your ability? What can you do now to get closer to your goals? Can you run, jog, or walk? No matter the speed, if you can do any of them you should. Whether you have the ability to pick up a weight barely heavier than air or pick up a car, are you doing strength training? Can you fix healthy meals?
I would be so bold to say that it is absolutely your responsibility to exercise and eat healthy. Not because you owe it to me, your doctor, or anyone else. It is your responsibility because you deserve to see what it feels like when you are moving and fueling your body in the way it was designed to.
Look at your ability today and decide what your matching response will be.