Joe Martin Fitness-01

We all know Will Smith as a huge success in everything he has done. It's not by accident. The guy has an enormous work ethic and is one of the most positive people in the world.


I highly encourage you take 10 minutes out of your day to watch the video at the bottom of this page some time, it is powerful.

We are surrounded by negativity and things that depress and discourage us. You have to find things that inspire you and make you want to do more with your life.


Two few quotes from the video I really like and live by are:


“If you are not making someone else’s life better, then you are wasting your time. Your life will become better by making other people’s lives better.”


“The only thing that I see that is distinctly different about me is that I’m not afraid to DIE on a treadmill. You might have more talent than me, you might be smarter than me, but if we get on a treadmill together, there are two things: 1- You’re getting off first OR 2- I’m gonna DIE It’s really that simple”


Do something every day to make your mood and attitude better. Pet a dog, wrestle with your children, sing, listen to music, get around positive friends, read a book. I take time out of every day to make sure my attitude and mood are right. It is one of the biggest reasons I have had any success in my life. I am not the smartest, most talented, etc... But I am relentlessly positive, I love helping people, and I am a hard worker.


Those are the things I have control over, so I maximize them. It is a waste of time to worry over things you have no control over anyway. My focus is always on ways I can build myself and others up.


I could focus on the fact that I have poor organization skills, get really anxious in front of large groups, don't like to be the center of attention. These are all things that do not lend themselves to being able to lead groups of 50 women in an exercise class. I focus on the fact that I can change every one of those 50 people's life by somehow organizing them, talking to that large group, and being the focal point.


Focusing on how your schedule, genetics, health issues, etc... are holding you back is not getting you anywhere. What do you have in your life that you can build on? All it takes is one thing.


Low self esteem and a poor attitude are a big reason people continue to be overweight and out of shape. If that is you, the first thing you need to fix is your attitude.


You will be amazed at the energy and enthusiasm you will have when you begin living a life of relentless positivity. Feed yourself something positive for breakfast, lunch, and dinner today.