Since issuing our challenge this week to eat out less, I've heard from a few people they have absolutely no time to prep/cook their meals. What happens when you don't have groceries at home or meals that you can eat?


Drive thru, pizza delivery, this parking space for Chili's take out customers only.


You are typically going to spend around $3-5 on breakfast, $5-10 on lunch, and $10 plus on dinner. And these meals are typically filled with processed starchy carbs (rice, noodles pastas) that are fat builders.


So for people that don't have the time or just plain do not like to meal plan, cook, wash dishes, etc... I recommend Personal Trainer Food. Personal Trainer Food is delivered right to your door and it is actual food. Their nutrition philosophy is a lot like mine.


Eat more real food, less processed food. Sounds very simple, but it is very effective.


By removing processed starches from your diet, your body must use existing body fat as fuel. All you have to do is pop your food in the microwave for a couple of minutes and you are good to go. It is pretty much the answer to: "Ain't nobody got time for that"



I order the Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner plan. It comes out to less than $4 per meal.


But some people just do not eat eggs. For them I recommend the Lunch and Dinner plan.


They have a special sale going on right now where you can get $50 off any meal plan, plus free shipping.  You need to use the following coupon code:


That code is good through March 16



In case you would like to know more about how the whole process works, this is from their web site.


How Personal Trainer Food works

a. You order food online and it's delivered to your door via Fedex Ground
b. You go into shock when you see how much food we give's a lot!
c. Remove all sugar and simple starch items from your home so you are not tempted.
c. You begin eating Personal Trainer Food Food...You eat 1 Meat + 1 Vegetable for every lunch & dinner. You eat our real egg products for breakfast, you munch on our snacks throughout the day.
d. Within 2 weeks, you experience sugar and processed food withdrawals
e. Your body begins burning fat as its primary source of fuel
f. You should be exercising every day in moderation for 15-25 minutes. If you are in great shape...go ahead and exercise longer.
g. You begin losing weight and reducing size. You have more energy. You sleep better at night.
h. By week 4, you experience the 'aha moment'. You get it. It begins making sense. By simply eating natural now understand the physical and mental aspects of health, weight loss & nutrition. is that simple!


You can also check out their Frequently Asked Questions page for further information.