What does your morning routine look like? For a lot of people it is:
-Alarm goes off- Hit snooze, repeat process 3-10 times
-Coffee before speaky
-Quick, not so nutritious breakfast while reading social media
-Head off to school, work, etc...
And even if you don't do all three, you probably do 1 or 2 of them. I'm the same way. My usual routine used to consist of wake up (no snooze at least), coffee, protein bar, check e-mail and social media, go to work.
I would still be tired, slow to get moving, and the rest of my day would be very similar to that. No energy at all. Despite eating healthy, exercising, stress relief, going to bed on time (some of the time any way), and all the other stuff I preach about.
The main thing I changed was how I started my day. Instead of going straight to the coffee, I started drinking a Plexus Slim. It's called Slim, it's pink, and it's not very manly but it is a game changer to me. My energy levels have returned to where I can do the things I want to do and not feel exhausted all the time. I can tell you more about that if you are interested, I am a huge believer.
That has really helped and now I am looking to fully embrace the routine from the book Own your Day, Own Your Life by Aubrey Marcus. It is a morning prescription of Water, Sunlight, and Movement.
We wake up dehydrated, go drink more coffee to further dehydrate ourselves and it starts the vicious cycle over again. Get up and drink some water first thing. The book recommends drinking 12 ounces of water with a squeeze of a quarter of lemon and 3 grams of pink Himalayan sea salt to start your day.
I wake up before the sun does, as do many of my clients so this one is not always a possibility. But the book recommends immediately exposing yourself to sunlight as soon as you wake up. This counts for naps during the day too. It helps regulate your Circadian rhythms.
This is not a workout, this is just a signal to get your body moving. I used to do this and got away from it after I was so fatigued for so long. This can be a few jumping jacks, some yoga, walking, or however you like to move your body.
Starting your day off on the right foot can pay dividends for the rest of your day. You will find yourself being more productive, more energized, and more excited about what is possible when you start stringing a few of these type days together.
Own your day starting today!