I wanted to give you a replay from a nutrition conference I attended several months ago. These are tidbits I picked up from the presenters that I thought you might find interesting and useful.
If you need something clarified or would like to discuss any of these items further, feel free to e-mail back and I will help out.
-The number one reason for the obesity problem is this country is processed foods
-The higher the intensity of the workout, the higher the need for protein
-Fat and fiber slow digestion so avoid them pre-workout
-It is impossible to count calories
-If you are training really hard and restricting calories at the same time to the extent you are missing your period STOP!
-You will not gain weight if you meet your protein and carbohydrate needs
-A few good options for pre workouts meals are: homemade smoothie with 1 cup milk and a banana, 1 string cheese and toast, 6 oz yogurt with 1/4 cup dry cereal
-The closer you can eat to your workout the better (without upsetting your stomach of course)
-The only time you need to eat something DURING exercise is when you are exercising for over an hour (I will now cease eating my candy bar in between squats)
-Gulps rather than sips work better during a race (your stomach empties better with gulps)
-The goals of a post workout meal are:
STOP protein breakdown
START protein synthesis
REPLENISH glycogen stores (In a nutshell all that means is you will help your muscles grow, recover faster, and be ready for your next workout)
-You need to get fast acting protein and carbs into your system ASAP after a workout
-If you wait longer than an hour after exercise to eat, it is too late to get all the benefits
-Some quick post-workout meals could be: protein shake, chocolate milk, cereal and milk
-Essential Fatty Acids(EFA's), like krill oil, are needed by everyone who exercises
-EFA's are even being used to treat depression in some promising studies
-Food diaries are very important
-If you are not doing a food diary, you are afraid of confronting yourself
-Evening exercisers have a hard time getting all their nutrients (have a tendency to skip dinner)
-Eat SOMETHING before your workouts
-Never eat after ______pm is a myth
-It's dark down there, your stomach doesn't know what time it is
-The reason that myth came about was because people tend to eat junk after 7pm (ice cream, popcorn, crackers, chips)
-Reflux is the only issue you may have to deal with in late eating
-Weight come from calories in/calories out, your health comes from the TYPE of calories you put in
-Athletic performance is about the training, weight loss is about the eating
-Inadequate B12 can lead to dementia
-People overestimate how many vegetables they are eating
-Do a food journal and you will see how little you really eat
-80-90% of can be accomplished with basic nutrition principles
-Some principles of healthy eating: eat 5-6 times a day, get enough protein, eat breakfast, increase vegetable intake, reduce refined sugars
-Looks simple enough, but how many people follow it?