
The challenge last week was to do something for someone who has no hope of paying you back. Hope you had fun with that one and got something out of it.


Your challenge this week is to do one thing to eliminate one major source of stress in your life.


What's the thing in your life that causes you the most negative thoughts in your life? That's what you need to attack.


No matter how big the situation is, pick out something to do. Start a budget, make a phone call, take a walk, etc...


Whatever it is, just do ONE thing this week that starts to work on the stress source. You will feel so much better just by doing one thing!

I am a true believer in the AAA principle.



When all you are doing is worrying about a problem it becomes a much bigger problem. When you start to do something about the issue, you can begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel.


You become an active participant in getting it resolved, rather than just being a victim.


Do one thing this week to help with your biggest problem.