When I was 21 I decided to move to Ireland for the summer. No real plan, no job, didn't know anyone. All I had was a plane ticket and a sense of adventure.
I found a hostel to stay in (a cot in an open room with 20 other people without a healthy respect for hygiene). The next day I walked around Dublin looking for a job. I finally found one at a place called Oliver Saint John Gogarty's.
My job was to pick up empty pint glasses and take out the trash. Until one day the boss saw my true potential and offered me a job as a doorman (similar to a bouncer). Or possibly because the regular guy was in the hospital getting his broken nose fixed.
The only training I received was 10 unsettling words:
"Watch out for the Scottish, they like to head butt"
Then I was told to go guard a door. Luckily the night ended without incident and I got the opportunity to fill in at bartender the next day. A whole different story involving a Scottish rugby team I will have to tell you about another time.
Have you ever had an experience like that? This is unfortunately how most people are forced to go about reaching their goals.
They know they want to do one thing, like "I want to lose 20 pounds" and then they are sent to a door to check IDs and skeptically eye anyone who sounds like Scrooge McDuck.
So many questions going through their head. Now what? Should I do Paleo or Keto? Do I need to do cardio or weights? When I do eat? How much?
If you need a done-for-you plan on what to eat, how much, what exercises to do, etc... then the 28 Day Transformation Challenge is for you. It tells you exactly what you need to do to get results you deserve. No head butts required.
Take away the guess work and get your copy here ----> 28 Day Transformation