Last Thursday I had several meetings I was going to. I found myself running behind a little bit because I lost track of time working on my new online clothing business. That's a whole different story...
Anyway, so I took a quick shower, got dressed, and ran out of the house. Then I remembered I was going to do something. Trim my nails!
Now they weren't Edward Scissorhands level nails, but definitely pushing the levels of dude nail decency. It was too late though! I kept putting it off, telling myself I would do it later, etc...
Then all day during the meetings I was all up in my head thinking, "They definitely not your nails bro." They probably had no idea, but it was really throwing me off! I was kicking myself for all those lost opportunities when I had the chance to do what I needed to do.
That is a small, ridiculous example but there are much more serious situations like this I see all the time. I have an important question for you.
When are you going to get fed up and do something about it?
Whatever you thought of when you read that, it needs fixing. Don't put it off any longer.
Too many people wait for something terrible to happen before they wake up and make a change. Don’t wait on a heart attack before you start leading a healthy lifestyle. Don’t wait on the divorce papers before you start paying attention to your spouse.
Take action TODAY!
Call that friend you haven’t talked to since college. Volunteer at a soup kitchen. Talk to your spouse without the TV, kids, iPods, cell phones, or computers distracting you. Go have some unstructured, goofy fun with your kids.
Start that exercise program you keep putting off. Skip the drive thru and have a home cooked meal. Find a job that gets you fired up every day.
If you are unhappy with your life, it is up to you to change it. Stop accepting having no energy, no hopes, and no dreams. You should never stop dreaming!
Get off the conveyor belt you are on and try something new. Wake up and live the life you want and deserve to live.