Two weeks ago my wife and I hiked up to the top of Stone Mountain in Georgia. If you've never heard of it, they named it correctly. It is actually a mountain made of stone. And it's in Georgia...
The hiking trail is a mile up and at the summit you are at 1686 feet. You can see the skyline of Atlanta, which is really cool. A fairly challenging, but very doable hike if you are in the area.
But there is one tricky part, it can be very slippery especially when it is when. Don't take your footing for granite. Free dad joke!
On the way down my wife and I sat down in the shade and enjoyed some adult Lunchables. I think fancy people call it charcuterie. The place we picked just happened to be at a spot where people kept falling down.
One of us might have been laughing, the other might have been cringing at these mishaps. I will not divulge who was who. But in my defense, no one was injured in these falls. Oh whoops.
There were two types of people who would fall. One was the super confident, I'm unstoppable guy, always a guy. The other was the overthinking, overanalyzing, type who would focus on so many different ways they could approach it they would get their feet confused and trip up.
Those are the same two ways I see people fail in the exercise/nutrition world!
"I already know that." or "I already know how to do this." I've had people tell me some version of those so many times over the years. Spoiler alert- most of them don't know how to do "this" or "that". And there is a huge difference between knowing something and putting it into action.
The habits I coach people to start are usually very simple and not glamorous, but they are effective IF you do them. There is an unlimited amount of knowledge out there what separates the successful from the unsuccessful is putting it to use.
And the "already know how" crowd is one I've fallen into myself. Then I've seen myself doing an exercise on video and started cringing. I have to take the advice I give my son all the time- Be Coachable.
The unlimited info we have access to is a two edged sword. It causes a lot of people to have Paralysis By Analysis. I get it when I go to a place like the Cheesecake Factory that has too many choices. Just show me picture of 3 or 4 things!
I Googled "diet" last week and 1.3 billion links popped up.Then I Googled "exercise" and 1.7 billion results popped up. How the heck am I supposed to wade through all of that? It can be very overwhelming.
Because we are all so different! Do your research, find out if the exercise program/nutrition plan is legit, and all the do diligence you should do but you have to act!
Which came do you fall into? Do you need to put what you already know into action? Do you need to be more coachable? Or do you just need to make up your mind and go?
If you need help with any of these, feel free to reach out. Sometimes you just someone to be a sounding board for what you are going through. I'm always here to help.
Let's make this a great week.
PS-I fell on the way down. Serves me right, I think you can guess what I'll be working on.