My son plays basketball for his middle school and he has been having a pretty good year so far. He has started every game this year and played a ton, but that all changed last week. All of the sudden he was no longer a starter and was only playing a few minutes a game.


That can be a huge blow to a kid's confidence, so he was pretty crushed about the whole situation. We talked and I told him that he had two choices.


He could: pout, say your coach hates you, life is not fair, why me, or whatever makes you feel better.




You can choose to go back to work and earn your minutes on the court.


He chose to go back to work and worked on his game by all by himself. I was very proud of him for making that decision. And guess what? He felt a ton better after his workout.


I am a firm believer in the AAA philosophy- Action, Alleviates, Anxiety. When you do something about your situation, rather than just worrying about it the problem starts to shrink in size. This is true, even if you didn't actually help the situation!


Are you in a bad place right now? Are you doing something about it?


It would probably make you feel better if I sympathize with you on the things that are holding you back. Tell you it's going to be ok. Life just isn't fair sometimes. That would only help in the short term though. In the long term, you need to know that it's time to get rid of the excuses and put in the work.


Start taking action TODAY to move yourself in a positive direction. Even if it is something super small, let's get this ship headed in the right direction!