For the past several weeks I've been walking around looking like Doc Holliday in Tombstone. Red, tuberculosis looking eyes that were really itchy.
I just figured it was my allergies messing with me again.
But I started thinking it must be something I was doing every day because it was not getting better at all. Then it hit me.
Was that as dramatic as I hope it was? A most unsuspecting suspect.
I wear sunglasses all the time or I wind up looking like a mole in the glare of the sun. I wear shades a lot and I sweat a lot from outdoor workouts, coaching, and teaching boot camp. I figured it was a combo of the two.
So I bought new sunglasses and my eyes started to get better! Funny how that works.
It reminded me of one of my favorite quotes:
"You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine."-John C. Maxwell
There is so much truth in that. What are you wanting to change in your life? Does your daily routine reflect that?
Obviously you need to exercise, eat right, get enough sleep, etc... to reach your goals. But do the other hours in the day support that goal too?
Take a look at your routine. What needs to be added? What needs to be taken away? What is serving you and what is harming you?
I promise if you will change your routine you will change the way you look and feel.