Little tip for any of you who do continuing education for your job. Don't wait until the last minute.
But nonetheless, I passed and I am certified for another 2 years of fitness training! I will begin my 18th year as a fitness professional, which blows my mind. I even got a fancy letter when I passed.
The majority of my continuing education credits came from 225 questions on TRX training. I am not a great test taker, so I was very relieved I passed. And only missed two questions, not too shabby.
I am just as fired up for learning about fitness, health, nutrition, motivation, and everything else that surrounds what I do on a daily basis as I was coming out of college. Back then I knew it all, now I feel like I'm just scratching the surface.
My commitment to you is to bring everything I learn to these e-mails. There is so much misinformation and so much other information out there it is easy to get lost. I will do my best to help you navigate all that info and provide you with useful content.
If you ever have questions, concerns, etc... please pass them on! I got into this business in 2000 with the intent to help people and I will continue that mission for as long as I am able.
Thank you for helping me last this long!