1. I've been pretty good lately, I should have one.
2. Well I _______ so now I need to ________.
3. I'll do better after Spring Break.
What do those 3 sentences have in common? Those are all things I have told myself recently.
The first one I found myself letting my nutrition slowly slip, juuuust a little bit. But over time those little slips become a full on fall.
The second phrase has mainly been "Well, I didn't get enough sleep so now I need to have a second (or third) cup of coffee. Then next thing I know the second cup of coffee is now routine. And sometimes a third one comes in!
I'm not against coffee, far from it. I love it, but I don't want to feel like I HAVE to have anything.
The third phrase was just out of survival. We went to Universal Studios for Spring Break. And it was awesausting! A new word I invented to cover things that are awesome but also exhausting.
We were up early every morning, hitting the park hard all day, and getting up the next day to do it all over again. Living off of not the greatest foods and caffeine. I had opportunities to eat healthier, but chose not to. I was going to do better when I got back. I think we've all been there.
Then I get back home and get sick. I believe I caught the Strep Swine Flu-monia that is going around. And I hate being sick!
But I always try to look on the positive side of things though. This was a great reminder WHY I take care of myself. Getting enough rest, exercising, eating right, etc... It's to feel healthy, strong, and vibrant. I mean sure if I need to flex my biceps for my wife, I would like for them to actually move. But that is secondary, as far as I'm prepared to admit...
So check in with yourself today. Have you started letting some bad habits slowly creep in and become a part of your regular routine? Are you waiting until a certain date or event to get serious about your health?