Have you made any changes to your morning routine after Wednesday's Own The Day post? I've started adding in 5 minutes of yoga and I am digging it so far. Keep me accountable though! Feel free to check in with me any time and see if I'm slacking.
On to more awesome for your life! I have some good news, but also some bad news. The bad news is, I have Memorial Day weekend homework for you. The good news is it can:
-relieve stress
-improve brain function
-boosts creativity
-improve relationships
-increase resistance to disease
–increase energy levels
It's not a pill, a potion, or even a workout. It is play.
When was the last time you just played? Just went and did stuff like when you were a kid. Hide and go seek, kickball, coloring, board games, etc...
Why do we quit doing things that we really enjoy? Typical answers are probably kids, jobs, that pesky mortgage, or any number of reasons. But I think a big reason we get away from it is because we get locked into this adult mindset of having an objective or end goal in everything we do.
There is a time and place for objective related activities, just like there should be a time and place for play. Where that is the sole objective, to play. You make time in your life for things that are important, make play important to you!
Your homework this long weekend is to find two different times to play.
There is no time minimum or maximum. You choose the activity and just do it. Here a few ideas to help you decide where to start playing:
-build something with Legos
-take in a comedy show
-play catch
-read a book
-do a puzzle
-go swimming
-play an instrument
-play card
-do some goat yoga
-go see a movie
-play Heads Up 7 Up (no looking at shoes!)
-swing on a playground (thought better of typing go swinging)
There are so many options to choose from out there! Think back to when you were a kid. What did you LOVE doing? Why did you stop?
Bring back a little bit of your childhood this weekend. Not only will you have an absolute blast, but it is good for your health. Have a great weekend and remember why Monday is a holiday!