I am easily amused, but this orange is awesome

I am easily amused, but this orange is awesome

I went to Chattanooga for a couple of days to celebrate Fourth of July and to meet up with friends who run a boot camp there. It was an awesome trip, but I overdid it.

Too much food and drink that is not conducive to helping me reach my goals. Translation- I ate cheeseburgers and fries as often as possible.

And I was really feeling it yesterday. Sluggish, not motivated, stomach not quite right.

Are you feeling somewhat similar? Did you overdo it for a few days?

Then I want you to join me in recommitting to your goals. Think about when you wrote down your New Year's Resolutions so long ago.

How are you progressing on those? You should be about halfway to your goal because we are at the halfway point in the year.

Even if you're not, it's not too late! It is time to go to work though.

What do you need to start doing today to start getting back on track? Two things that I have let slip are drinking enough water and prepping meals ahead of time.

And if I'm honest, my workouts have not been as stellar as they could be. I used to think it was crazy that a lot of top trainers hire trainers to keep them in shape. I get it now.

So I am starting to put a 24 ounce water bottle next to my bed, so when I wake up first thing I do is drink that thing down. And I have my meals ready to roll tomorrow.

For my workouts, I just needed a little attitude adjustment. I got a little reminder of what life could be like if I ever go back to being overweight. Everything is harder and I refuse to go back.

Where do you need to start? Shoot for small things that you can do to get back on track.

Do you need help?  We are running a new member special right now. $99 for a mont of unlimited boot camp.

If yo unwed accountability, if you need the extra push, and if you are ready to re-commit to reaching your goals sign up today.

You can register here --->New member special

6 months left in the year, let's do this!