
I was talking to an 80 year old man at my church one day and we got talking about exercise. He asked me what all I did to stay in shape, so we discussed that for awhile. I asked him what he did to look so good at 80 years old and things got serious.


He said, "Well, this is a little embarrassing but I like to do the Hip Hop Abs. You know the one with Shaun T?"


I thought that was the coolest thing ever! Somewhere Shaun T should be beaming with pride.


I told him there was no way in the world he should be embarrassed, but should be proud. Why would he be embarrassed?


That is a huge problem in the fitness world right now. You've heard of body shaming, well I am taking a stand on fitness shaming.


If you enjoy what you are doing, do it consistently, and you look forward to your workouts you are doing it correctly. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.


I could tell you that our boot camp workouts are the perfect thing for you and you are silly if you don't agree. Little self serving and untrue, but you will hear people say these things.


Just last week in my workouts I lifted weights, did kettlebells with TRX, used furniture movers and bands, my own bodyweight a big tire. I played basketball, went for a hike, did jiu-jitsu, and played football. I enjoyed them all, why should I have to choose?


I don't have to choose and neither do you.


Move your body in new and interesting ways, challenge yourself, and never stop exploring what the fitness world has to offer. There is so much cool stuff out there to try!


Crossfitting To The Oldies is a million dollar idea, someone get on that.

Crossfitting To The Oldies is a million dollar idea, someone get on that.

Whether you are Crossfitting or Sweating to the Oldies, keep doing your thing. I salute you.