My wife and I really enjoy getting stocking stuffers for each other every year. It is typically practical things, so I saw this razor holder that you put up in your shower to keep things organized. My wife is all about some organization, so I thought she would love it.

I am feeling good about myself at this point. Got me a nice stocking stuffer, Christmas list is almost finished, and there is no line for the self check out. A little more on this item I'm getting. Unbeknowst to me, it has the world's most powerful suction cups on there. So I go to scan it and the suction cups latch on to the self checkout thing like glue.
This thing will not budge! So I went into a slight panic and I completely tore the self checkout thing off of its hinges. I mean the thing is over my head now! And the suction cups are still hanging in there like a champ. But I eventually pried that thing off and got it in the stocking all snug and ready for Christmas.
Flash forward to Christmas Day, she sees this troublesome gift and immediately puts it to use. And what happens? It falls off the shower wall! How is this possible??? Did it use all of its suctioning powers on the self checkout scanner?
It is now my mission to help this razor holder live to his true potential. I go through the proper placement procedures, get him just right, and then one side slips down. I go to adjust it, the razor holder part breaks off leaving the suction part still strongly gripping the shower wall.
I was going to turn this into something about learning proper exercise technique so you don't get hurt (scooping underneath the suction cup as opposed to pulling), but I mainly wanted you to feel better about yourself at my expense. Laugh at yourself, learn from your mistakes, and then move on.
Have a great weekend!