
I want to thank you for reading these posts. It may not seem like it most of the time, but I do put a lot of effort into these things.

It's not easy writing about meat sweats and prefrontal cortexes in one week.

So it means a lot when you let me know that you liked something I wrote. And even when you let me know you disagree with something.

At least you read it.

Been feeling especially blessed with how well our boot camps have been doing as well. You have helped with that as well, so I would like to return the favor.

Just in case you didn't see the announcement on our Facebook page, I wanted to make sure you saw this.

We are going to start giving away a boot camp scholarship every month to someone who could not otherwise afford our classes. These are can be used in Huntsville as well as the Madison location.

To be eligible, you can just e-mail and let me know why you would like to come to our class. You can also nominate someone who you think should win the scholarship.

We will do a drawing next week and announce the winner on Wednesday March 26th, so make sure you get your entry in before then.