
Think about the last few diet or exercise plans that you started and stopped for whatever reason. Why did you stop?

Now this one counts

Now this one counts


Some very common reasons are: time, money, boredom, sore, tired, weather, self-consciousness, family commitments, not getting results.


A fact about exercising is that you are going to run into rough patches along the way. There are going to be many times when you want to quit and never start again. Exercising in my backyard in July at noon when it is 100 degrees comes to mind for me.


It's normal to feel this way! You are not alone in wanting to give up. And don't feel guilty for giving up in the past.


There was a study done on people in their 60s and 70s who had hip replacement surgery. After the surgery the patients were asked to record how it went with their rehab.


Immediate rehab is absolutely crucial with joint replacement. If they did not start right away and stayed at it consistently, the surgery would not be a success.


Do you know who the most successful ones? The people who found out what was their biggest challenge (getting up from sitting on the couch for an hour for example), knowing that the pain and discomfort was coming, and making a plan for getting through it.


Here is what I would like for you to do. Get out a sheet of paper, brainstorm for a few minutes, and write down some obstacles that you see for yourself over the next few months.


After you have your obstacles written out, I want you to list 3 ways you will get around it.


What will you do when work gets crazy? What are some tips and strategies you could use to find some free time?


When school starts back how does that effect your schedule?


When you are sore, what are some things you can do to soothe those sore muscles?


Think about what has stopped you in the past. Don't let it happen again.


When you KNOW that rough times are going to come and are PREPARED to defeat them, your chances for success go way up.


As alway, if I can help you please let me know.


PS-don't just read this, think "Hmm, that looks pretty good", and never think of it again. Take some time and do this and I guarantee it will pay off in the future.