
Have you ever started a running program only to have to stop due to an injury? Or maybe you are still a runner, but you have lots of aches and pains you work through. Tendinitis, shin splints, plantar fasciitis, IT band trouble, knee pain, and the list goes on and on.


What if you could actually run pain free?


That is the goal of our upcoming workshop series on May 7th and 14th. Here is what you can expect to learn at this workshop:


-how to run further

-how to run faster

-how to run more efficiently

-do all three of those things above AND stay injury free.


How awesome would that be?

Physical therapist Dr. Nancy Harden will be leading a Run Pain Free workshop. I could say a million things about Dr. Harden, but the main thing she does is help people take care of themselves in a way that makes them more efficient and effective at the things they want to do. I call her the Muscle Whisper.


Session 1 (May 7, 8-10am) is based on the phrase “when the foot hits the ground everything changes.” The focus will be on feet, ankles, knees, and hips. You will learn why they do what they do and how they can help or harm your running.


Session 2 (May 14, 8-10am) gets more into your specific needs. Each person will be assessed on how they run and will be offered specific ways to fix their posture, stride length, mobility, weight transfer, etc… You have to attend Session 1 to attend Session 2.


With Session 1 you will walk away with things you can do right away to improve your running and avoid injury. When you attend Session 1 and 2 it will be an absolute game changer and that is what I would recommend you do.


The cost is $30 for Session 1 and only $50 for Session 1 and 2. A great value for all the hands on information you will be getting from these workshops. To make sure that everybody gets the attention they deserve, we only have 15 spots available.


Save your spot today --->Run Pain Free