
Exercise is really pretty simple when you break it down. There are really only 7 movements that you can do.


There are hundreds of variations on these 7 movements, but they all get back to this basic format. We use these movements as a template to create our workouts in boot camp.


So many of the magazines and articles you see on fitness make it so complicated! To create a well balanced workout (where all the muscles get worked) you just need 7 movements. No fancy equipment needed.


These 7 movements are:



2. Pull

3. Squat

4. Lunge

5. Bend

6. Twist

7. Step (walk, run, jump)


You can easily build an efficient workout for the gym, home, or on the road.


Here is an example:


Do each exercise for 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds, then move on to the next exercise. Go through the list 3 times total.


1. Pushups

2. Rows

3. Squats

4. Walking lunges

5. Deadlifts

6. Torso twists

7. High knees run in place


In 21 minutes you have worked muscles in your body from head to toe, burned calories, and built strength.

Use this template, get creative, and you can workout any time, anywhere. Or just come to our classes and we will do all the workout design for you.