There is an awesome book called "Atomic Habits" by James Clear that I have been reading and would highly recommend you check out. But just in case you're not into that sort of thing, I wanted to hit a few of the highlights.
"You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems."
This is so true. We all have goals in life and we REALLY want to accomplish them. What most of us are missing is the system to get there.
My business coach, Pat Rigsby, has stated that people who plan out their week are 200% more productive. This is true in the business world and the fitness world. Have a plan, a system, a routine of what you are going to do and when you are going to do it and you will be much more successful.
"The actions you take are evidence of who you are"
I remember when my wife was training for a half marathon but still didn't think of herself as a runner. Then one day she went running on a really cold day in the rain and that was proof that she was indeed a runner.
Having this identity is huge! It helps guide your future actions and habits.
For instance, do you identify yourself as a healthy eater? If you do, then it probably helps you avoid eating ice cream every night. Identify yourself as what you want to become and let that help lead your future way of acting.
"Many people think they lack motivation, when what they really lack is clarity"
This gets back to having a system and an identity. Do you know exactly what you want to do and why you want to do it? 
If not, you will fall into the trap of waking up every day wondering if this is the day you will feel that magic, motivational pull to get going. Spoiler alert, those days are few and far between. But when you are clear on your What, Why, When, and How you are much more driven because you know you are on the right path.