Many of you were wondering how it went for my news segment on exercising with kids. It was out of control and hilarious! That's how it went.
The setup was: myself, the anchor Haley, and her two daughters ages 3 and 7. These were perfect ages because you never know what they might do! The girls got their early enough where we could practice, but I wanted people to see how it actually works in real life.
And if you watch the video, you will see I lose control about 2.7 seconds in. And that is ok! Just like when you workout with your kids. It is not about perfection and sticking exactly to the workout script.
The main goals are: to move, be active together, model to your kids how important exercise is, and to have fun. And I do believe we accomplished that.
You can check it out here below yourself. Here is a little tip for you- Keep your eye on the little one:
The little one was making faces while she looked at herself in the monitors, but still killing it on her exercises. I will be honest, I forgot most of the stuff I had planned to say and do because I was mesmerized by her awesomeness. She is a star in the making.
So don't be afraid to attempt a workout with your kids. It could be awesome or it could be chaos, just give it a try! At least you won't be on live TV. Let me know how it goes at your house!