Someone stole our engagement photo idea!

Someone stole our engagement photo idea!

Don't you love hearing how people asked their significant others to marry them? Crazy stories with hot air balloons and marching bands and trained seals and stuff like that?

Well, then there is my story.

My future wife was living with her mom in Birmingham at the time and in graduate school at UAB. Side note, yes I am aware my wife is way out of league and I am really proud of it.

My award winning wife, best thing that ever happened to me

My award winning wife, best thing that ever happened to me

I did not know much about Birmingham, but I was going to take her out to a romantic dinner at this place on 280. In case you don't know Highway 280 is the home of romance.

Earlier in the day, I had asked her mom for her blessing. Her mom gave me her blessing and I told her the question was to be popped that night.

So we get to our romantic destination and it is not so romantic. Like just about every other restaurant in the area, there is a 2 hour wait. Also, it is more of a family friendly place. AKA buck wild children everywhere.

We soldier on and sit down to our meals. We have a lovely meal, but it takes a really long time. The vibe doesn't feel right, I get cold feet. I just can't pull the trigger.

I can't do it. My plan is to live to engage another day. Truth is, I was looking for an excuse not to follow through. It's a big step and I wasn't ready.

On the way home, my lovely future bride falls asleep. Just more proof that tonight is probably night ideal. I feel good about pushing it to the future and dream of hot air balloons, marching bands, etc...

But then I pull up to her mom's house and see something disturbing. Every light in the house is on. Then it hits me.

They are waiting up to congratulate us on the engagement that has not happened!

So I did what any self respecting man would do. I locked my future wife in the car.

While she is all discombobulated, trying to wake up, and figure out why she can't get out of the car I run over to her side of the car. I kneel down in the grass/street, pull out the ring, and finally pop the question.

She actually said yes! Bless her heat (old Southern insult). And we have been married 11 years now and she makes me a better man every day.

So why am I telling you all this embarrassing information? Because I want you to think about how crucial accountability is.

There is no telling how long I would have made excuses to keep putting off asking her to marry me, if my hand not been forced by them waiting up for us.

Who do you have in your life that keeps you accountable?

Do you have a truth teller in your life that calls you out when you need it? Not with the intent to embarrass you, but with the intent to make you better.

"Missed you at the workout today."


"Maybe beer and grits is not the best breakfast for toning up."


"Don't you have a half marathon coming up in 2 months? Shouldn't you at least

run once between now and then?"

A lot of times we don't want to hear what they have to tell us, but everyone needs accountability in their life.

For those days when you just don't feel like, especially if you never feel like it.

For those days you feel like no one knows you're struggling.

For those days when you need an extra push.

A lot of times that little extra push is all we need. Who is pushing you?

If you have someone like that in your life, I want you to call, e-mail, or text, or tag them on Facebook and thank them. They are playing a very important part in your life.

If you don't have someone like that in your life, who can you get to do the job?

It's what I do every day. You may not be ready for it right now, but I'm here to help whenever you're ready for that push.