
A lot of the moms I work with have a similar problem when dealing with their kids. Picky eaters.


I asked our Kid's Camp dietitian Diane Bierbauer for some help and here is her advice:


Many kids do not like to try new foods! So what is a parent to do?


Well, to save you hours of frustration, I will tell you in advance getting into a power struggle over eating will not produce a desirable outcome.


Instead what you want to do is instill the desire to try new foods. More of a curious, adventuresome spirit!


So how can you do this? Try one or more of these:


1. Prepare foods multiple ways

For example, if introducing carrots - try cooking them, slicing them, dicing them, serving with a variety of dipping sauces (including ketchup), or juicing them.

2. Have your child rate/critique the food

Make a score card that allows them to describe how it tastes…cold, crunchy, mushy..etc. Or have them rate it on a scale of 1-5 or use smiley/frown face evaluations.

Remember to have them evaluate all the different ways it was prepared. This makes it more of a game and the children are caught up in the tasting/rating and often don’t realize they are actually eating the food!


3. Take your child to the grocery store and have them pick out a food they would like to try

If your child refuses to eat vegetables, take them to the produce area and allow them to look, feel, smell and then select a vegetable to try. Look up recipes to use for your vegetable. Then use the rating/evaluation system after your child prepares it multiple ways.


4. Plant a garden and allow your child to grow her own vegetables/fruits

This is a surprisingly easy way to get them to try new foods.


5. Offer, offer, offer…and when you think you have done it one million times…offer it one more time with a smile!