Forget everything you read below and just get you a Thighmaster.
Have you ever ridden a horse? A few days ago I went on a horseback ride with my family and I realized two things.
1. A whole new respect for cowboys
2. My inner thighs are not as strong as they used to be. It was a lot of fun, but I was hurting for a few days afterwards.

Starbright loves carrots, apples, and chafing humans.
The inner thigh muscles are also known as the adductors. You can remember that because they pull your leg back towards your body, like you are ADDing it back to your body. You just got 75% of what I remember from my college degree right there.
The adductor muscles are not only important because toned inner thighs look good, but they can also help you prevent injuries and increase your performance in physical activities.
So if you want to look better, prevent nagging injuries, and/or you would like to squeeze the life out of someone Bond Girl style I got your back.
Here are 4 exercises you can do at home to strengthen and tone your inner thighs:
1. Band Adduction
Connect a band to a stable object and then attach it to your right ankle. Stand up tall with tension on the band before you start. Move your foot to the left like you are sweeping just above the floor. Control the movement as it goes back to your right. Repeat on your other leg, hold on for balance as needed.
2. Skaters
A great exercise for cardio, as well as working several lower body muscles. Start with knees bent, hips pushed back and upper body leaning forward with a flat back. Push off of your left foot and jump to your right, then do the same pushing off of your right foot. For low impact, you can step instead of jump.
3. Wall Squat Squeeze
You will need a wall and a ball for this one. Place a ball (exercise ball, medicine ball, basketball) between your knees, back against the wall, and slide down until your knees are bent at a 45 degree angle. While holding the squat, squeeze your knees as hard as you can against the ball.
4. Chair Adduction
Lay on your left side, place the inside of your right foot on top of a chair or coffee table. Raise your left leg up and touch the bottom of the chair or table, pause at the top for a count, and then slowly lower your leg down. Repeat on the other side.