
If you are a parent of a teenager, first of all my condolences for what you are going through. I coached middle school football for 7 years and it was a very unique experience.

Mood swings, hormone changes, breaking down in tears at strange times. It actually did a great job of preparing me for what I'm doing now. Kidding! But not really...

I'm joking around, but if you have a teenager there is something serious you need to know. If your teen is overweight now, there is a good chance he or she will become overweight for the rest of their life.

Studies have shown that overweight teens have a 50-80% greater chance of becoming overweight adults.

It makes sense if you start thinking about why most teens are overweight. They have developed poor nutrition and exercise habits over the years and they take those habits into adulthood.

It is your job as a parent to prepare your child for life and that includes teaching them how to lead a healthy lifestyle. You can't do that, if you aren't living it yourself.

I know you would do anything for your children. So this is your chance to give your child something that will benefit them for the rest of their lives.

-Teach them about reading food labels.

-Let them know the dangers of processed food, fast food, and sodas.

-Help them find active hobbies that they enjoy.

-Teach them how to cook and prepare healthy, delicious meals on a budget for when they leave your house (hopefully).

-Help them discover that exercise is not confined to a treadmill and weight machines.

There are a hundred things you can teach them, but the main thing is to teach them something! If you don't know these things, there is no better way to learn than teaching.

Educate yourself or get help, but make sure you do something because this is a very important topic that is often overlooked. Today is always the right day to start and now is always the right time.

PS-if you have younger kids, it is never too early to start teaching them.