Be aware of what is going on in the world regarding body image. You will see marketing and advertising that tries to make you feel bad about your body.

A few years ago there was even an article in a major publication that was “BACKED BY SCIENCE” that was basically a fat-shaming campaign. Just don’t look at the research because it was complete junk.

It’s not normally my thing to bad-mouth other people or companies. But this stuff pisses me off. Excuse my language.

I have been training exclusively women for 12 years, so I feel qualified to speak on this subject. I've never met a woman who lost a bunch of weight, got in great shape, and made lasting changes because someone made them feel bad about themselves.

On the other hand, I have helped pick up the pieces from several women who have been shattered by hurtful and insensitive people in their lives.
Some of them are "professionals" who are in the same field I am in. It's no wonder every trainer on TV and in movies is a caricature of a meathead, goober.

You know what did work? Deciding for themselves to make a change (not anyone else), having a compelling reason/goal, getting in a supportive environment, being around people who challenge and encourage them, and not giving up when the hard times come. 

If you've been discouraged because someone made you feel bad when you were trying to exercise and eat right, I'm sorry. You can do this and nobody has the power to stop you. That is the beauty of all this.

You have what it takes right now to get started on the path to success, do not give up. You deserve to be in that gym, in that class, on that bike, in that pool, etc... just as much as anybody. 

You deserve to wear whatever clothes or swimsuits you want to wear. People that don’t have your best intentions in mind don’t get to have an opinion.

Screw anybody that tells you differently.

Tone and Trim On Your Time

I've designed 3 workouts you can do at home with minimal equipment that will:

-Increase your metabolism

-Build lean muscle

-Tone your whole body

-Increase cardiovascular endurance

-Keep your body guessing with lots of variety

-Accommodate every level from the beginner to advanced

These workouts can all be done in 30 minutes or less and you can do them any time you like. You can get those for free at this link: