Sticking with my football theme this week, I want to share with the concept of getting beat twice. Sometimes in football you will see a team lose a big game one week and then come back the next week and get beat by an inferior team. That is letting one team beat you twice.

The team gets so caught up in the disappointing loss, they don’t put in the necessary work all week at practice. They don’t play with the same fire and enthusiasm they normally do. They are letting one letdown lead to more letdowns.

That happened to me recently too. I had a disappointing experience in one area and it affected my performance in another area. My focus was still on the negative things that went wrong and it caused more negative things to happen. Not good.

I see the same thing happening with clients with their fitness and nutrition. They will miss the first few days of class for the week and then decide to skip the whole week. Or have one bad day of eating and just decide to totally give up on their eating plan.

Hey, I get it! I’m obviously in the same boat. Most of these posts I am talking to myself too, so let’s all take the advice that football coaches offer. That loss is over, learn from your mistakes, and move on because there is nothing we can do about that loss now.

You missed a few days or weeks of working out? The best thing you can do about that is to start working out today. Really went off the rails on your nutrition game this week? Start back with one healthy meal today.

Don’t get caught up in the past, figure out why the slip happened, take steps to avoid it happening again, and keep your eyes fixed on the future. Don’t look behind you, you aren’t headed that way.