
My wife earned a free FitBit at work a few months ago. Her company is pretty awesome, they earn prizes and gifts with health enhancing activities.


She was obsessed with this thing when she first got it! The FitBit Flex that she has does a lot of cool things, but the main thing she uses it for are: step counting and sleep quality tracking.


When she first started counting her steps, she had no idea how inactive she was most days. Makes sense for someone who has a desk job right?


She now obsessively (don't worry, she won't read this) gets 10,000 steps a day in. Pacing during phone calls, parking further out when she goes to the hospital, marching while brushing teeth, or whatever it takes to get there.


Our house is not normal.


Why am I telling you all this? I want you to think about how active you are. Outside of your workouts especially. How much do you move?


Do you even know? Most people are like my wife and don't even think about it.




You have something you want to improve? Measure where you are now and then have a way to track improvements. This will also tell you when you are slipping backwards too.


It can be weight, inches, steps, number of pushups, how much weigh you lift. There are so many different things you can choose to improve, just make sure can measure how you get to where you want to be.


If step counting is one of your goals, you will get plenty at our Adventure Hiking Class that starts next Saturday, Jan 25th. We are almost out of slots if you still want to join.


Don't worry about tracking your steps for that class. Katie, who leads the class, is a FitBit fan too. She can tell you how many you get in 🙂