
My wife is a huge Dave Ramsey fan. So much so, that when I asked my son what he would do with a million dollars, he said "Well, first thing I would do is pay off my student loans." He was 6 at the time...



So since Dave Ramsey thinks kids should get an allowance, my son started getting an allowance recently for doing different chores around the house. Taking out trash, emptying the recycling bin, etc...


Yesterday we found that he had not being doing his job, so told him he were taking a quarter off of his allowance for the week. Not a quarter of his allowance, 25 cents. Not a big deal we thought.


I have no idea what all this is

I have no idea what all this is

But he was distraught! Turns out he needs the exact amount of his allowance this week to get some kind of Pokemon something or other. Pretty sure they are cards, but I know for a fact they are a plague I don't understand what to do with. Probably explains why I lose every time we "play".

I was giving him my best dad speech.


Me- "Is crying helping you get that money back?"
B- "No."
Me- "Well you can cry about it or you can do something about it. Which one do you want to do?"
B-"Do something about it."


Good answer by him. And he has since done everything in his power to get his full allowance back. You ever notice how the best advice you give someone else is advice you need to hear yourself?


That same day the Pokemon tragedy occurred I had launched a project I was really excited about. This project that had tremendous potential for everyone involved. Then after one day the other parties decided it wasn't for them and the deal was off.


It put me in a funk for a few hours. Then after talking with my son and realizing what a hypocrite I was being, I decided I wasn't going to cry about the project any more I was going to do something about it. Now I can put my energy into other things I have planned.


My question to you is the same I asked my son and myself.


Are you going to cry about it or are you going to do something about it?


Are you overweight? What are you doing about it crying or working to get that weight off?


Are you out of shape? Are you complaining or are you working out?


You may seem think that seems kind of harsh, but it is the truth. You know the exact time you will lose weight?


When you say to yourself, "I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!"


That is the moment when I started losing weight. It is a moment every client I've worked with in Huntsville and Madison through our fitness boot camps that lost a large number of pounds had too. They decided that enough was enough and they were tired of crying and ready to start acting.


Make the decision right here, right now and don't look back.