Awesome guy, with an awesome business. And Dave Ramsey is in the picture too.
It was my wife’s birthday last week, so I wanted to do something special for her. She is a HUGE Dave Ramsey fan, so I took her to see his live radio show in Nashville.
I have a read a few of Dave Ramsey’s books and listened to his radio show a few times, but I am not nearly the fan my wife is. That being said, I was very impressed with how he runs things.
At Ramsey Solutions, they have a system for everything they do. Rather than leaving things up to chance, there is a certain way everything gets done. From how tours are done, to how people do the debt free scream , to when Dave visits with the audience on his breaks, and everything in between.
This way they can get repeatable and reliable results without relying on will power. We have a limited supply of will power, so the less you have to use the more successful you are.
There are a lot of places you can start, but here are 3 systems to help you get started.
Eliminate decisions
Set a firm workout time. Write it down, put it in your phone, or whatever you need to do but set a firm time. That way there is no negotiating, that is your workout time and that is that.
Prep ahead of time
Get your workout clothes ready, prepare meals ahead of time, have your water bottle filled up. These are all things that will help you DO the healthier things you want to do, rather than THINK about doing them.
Have a backup plan
Part of having systems is being ready when things don’t go exactly to plan. What will you do if the car breaks down, your child is sick, or you have to travel for work. Have workouts you can do at home and on the road ready to go.