
Violence and Balance, where would the world be without it? People would be falling all over the place and not punching each other. That is not the world I want my child to grow up in. We started with balance by drawing shapes standing on one leg and running sprints. Alcohol and fatty foods dominated the shape drawing. I can almost say without a doubt I'm the only boot camp instructor that makes his campers draw things like chicken legs, biscuits, and martinis. Or 40's and caviar on crackers. We moved onto one leg reaches, single leg deadlifts, and rear foot elevated squats. Then some violence broke out. Jabs, hooks, Angie having a dazed and confused look on her face, uppercuts, knees, side kicks, front kicks, We even had crane kicks Daniel San style today. The ultimate combo of violence and balance. The great thing about balance and violence, the more you work on it the better you get at it. So I hope you all came home, kicked in the front door, and demanded breakfast. Even if you live alone. It's the thought that counts.
Sports Day is tomorrow! I really hope it doesn't rain because my sports will be really limited inside. Can you say suicides for 45 minutes? So hold all rain dances to a minimum, unless you enjoy the pain. Some of you actually do, so get those dancing shoes out and polished.

I got a lot of nice feedback from my crazy writing last week, but this one is on the other end of spectrum. Feeling good physically is awesome, but so is feeling good emotionally. The best way to get that feeling, in my opinion, is helping someone else. Another thing we talked about is looking around and realizing how good we all have it. Keeping those two things in mind, I want to invite you to participate in an event my church is having to benefit the homeless. This coming Saturday November 20th from 8-Noon at Latham United Methodist Church there will be a church wide yard sale. All the proceeds will benefit First Stop, an agency that assists the homeless in our community. So where do you come in? Come shopping! Forget Black Friday, this is Salmon Pink Saturday! Who cares if that doesn't make sense? There will be tons of bargains, very nice people to help you (unless I'm working), it is indoors to keep your hair to a manageable level, and your money will go towards good and not to some corporate CEO who wears baby seal slippers and puppy skin pajamas. Or if you have something you would like to donate that is cool too. I can't imagine being homeless at any time, but especially this time of year so I really appreciate your help. Have a great day!