
-Know what a serving size is, you are probably exceeding it (A single serving of wine is 4 ounces. I've seen the wine glasses that are out there, many of them are closer to 20 ounces)


-Pour 4 ounces of water into your wine glass and mark where a single serving is (Cry at how little that really is)




-People who live to be in their 100's have two things in common. Moderation and optimism


-Why do we overeat? We are hardwired to eat as much as we can; we seek out sugar, fat, and salt; sugar and salt were traditionally hard to come by; now they are EVERYWHERE




-Find an alternative to each emotion that causes you to overeat

-Call a friend just to talk, get a pedicure, get out of the house, just do something that breaks the cycle of your emotional eating.


-There is no guarantee you will start losing weight right away


-My sister (the lecturer's sister) took exactly 1 year of strict, healthy eating before she lost a SINGLE pound


-She has now dropped 30 pounds total in the past few months


-You HAVE to keep eating healthy. The only alternative is to give up. If nothing else you will be much, much healthier


- Some healthy eating habits:
1. Pay more, eat less
2. Cook your food
3. Eat meals not snacks all day
4. Eat at a table
5. Don't eat alone (you tend to eat more)
6. Eat slowly


-Some tips for healthy eating at home:
1. Cook enough for 1 portion each person
2. If you are cooking enough for the week, get the food you are eating that night out and immediately pack the rest up
3. Don't sample while cooking dinnerIf you have trouble with sampling, put in a toothpick or chew gum
4. serve from the stove, not the table
5. Don't clean your kids' plates for them, throw it out


-There is something called Recession Induced Obesity


-The fast food $.99 options increase during bad economic times


-Tufts University found that if a person eats out ONE time during the week they will have trouble maintaining their weight


-The average American eats out NINE times a week


-In 2009 Americans spent more money on meals outside the home, than inside the home


-20% of all food is consumed in the car


-People who eat out consume on average: 300 more calories; 19 more grams of fat; 400 mg of sodium than they would at home


-Bottom line: the more you cook and eat at home the better off you will be