How to make your own almond butter (video)

  I love almond butter and I'm not ashamed to admit it! The only downfall for me is that it is so expensive. What if I told you that you could make it yourself and save yourself fifty cents? Sorry to shock you like that with an outlandish claim. You actually save a...
What happens when you don't plan things out

What happens when you don't plan things out

I was making a video for you all about why boot camp works so well for so many people. My intention was to talk about all the things that make boot camp so special. Things were going awesome until I noticed what I was unintentionally spelling. It totally threw me off...

3 ab exercises you aren't doing, but should

Here are 3 effective core exercises that you probably aren't doing right now. These can be done at home, but do require some minimal equipment. the 3 exercises are the Paloff press, resistance band torso twists, and suspension trainer hip drop. Studies show that most...

The Joe Martin Minute Project

I thought I would give your brain a rest right before the weekend. Instead of reading an article, thought I would share my latest project with you.   The Joe Martin Minute   I am on a roll with naming things lately. It's a series of short videos covering similar...
My top secret mission to Nicaragua

My top secret mission to Nicaragua

  I just got back from a mission trip to Nicaragua. We went there to build a house, but I had a special, secret mission I was on. Those kids were awesome :)There is nothing quite like the feeling you get from helping others. I really appreciate you reading my blog. By...