One of the most common questions I get about my boot camp is "Why just women?"

My typical answer involves how my training experience led me to decide that women are the best clients and that was a need in the community for a women only fitness class. That answer does not tell the full story.

My experience in class not too long ago, tells the story a lot better.

I was in class the other day marveling at the amazing women that I'm surrounded by. In just one day I had the opportunity to train women who had lost husbands, children, parents, and everything they own to Katrina.


Women who had been through divorces, rehabs, abusive relationships, and layoffs.


Women who had beat cancer, sickle cell, diabetes, lupus, and numerous other serious diseases.


Single moms, women who take care of aging parents, and women who have taken on the role of mom and dad while their husband is serving overseas.

Women who have served overseas fighting for our country. And women who volunteer tirelessly in our community fighting battles against hunger, child abuse, and so many other worthy causes.


And these are just the women I see in my classes! Every one of these women is still standing tall and staying strong.

Why do I train only women?

Because they are bad asses.


Have a great weekend and happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there!