
Something I always find entertaining, fascinating, and often motivations are TED talks. One I watched recently was especially cool and I think you would like it too.


It is one based on the power of body language by Amy Cuddy. Here is the link:



If you have 20 minutes to watch it, you won't regret it.

The biggest take away for me was the effect that "power posing" can have on your hormones. Here are the effects of "power posing" vs low power poses (shoulders slumped down, looking tired and depressed):


  • The people who stood in ‘high power’ poses experienced a 20% increase in testosterone.

  • The people who stood in ‘low power’ poses experienced a 10% decrease in testosterone.

  • The people who stood in ‘high power’ poses experienced a 25% decrease in cortisol.

  • The people who stood in ‘low power’ poses experienced a 10% increase in cortisol.

So how can you use this? It only takes 2 minutes of standing in a power pose for it to take effect. Any time you are nervous, try it out. Before a big race, a job interview, an exercise class you've never done before, etc…

I suggest the Wonder Woman pose. You know the pose. Hands on your hips, standing tall, and if you have a magic rope even better.